Linocut is a type of relief printmaking. Relief prints are created by carving images into flat surfaces. When inked and printed the high areas become the printed image and the carved out low areas the negative space. Historically, wood was the substrate used for creating the image. Linoleum became available in modern times. Because linoleum is softer and smoother, it is easier to carve and allows for a greater amount of detail. Many believe the art started in China, but woodblock prints by Japanese artists are the best known.
I have created linocuts in sizes varying from the 4 x 6” print to the larger 18 x 24” image. Though I enjoy hand-painting the printed image, not every linocut is enhanced by added color. What is said of black-and-white photography is also true here: “Black-and-white is the Cadillac of the print.” But, then, who doesn’t like a little color? You will find both in my collection.
My linocut pieces can be found in my Hand-pulled Prints collection.